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Football Manager is a game that puts on setting strategy tactics as well, where we act as a manager that controls most of the conditions of the team.

Download Game Angry Birds Seasons 2

Angry birds is a game's most sought, which this game don't spend a lot of memory but sufficient to hone our brain. Angry birds Seasons 2 an extension from Angry Birds Version Rio.

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Download Game PES 2012

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Senin, 28 November 2011

Cara membuat domain di

 hi kawan, hari ini saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana cara membuat domain, gini nih kawan caranya....

1. Masuk

2. Klik create an account now

3. Isi form berikut:
First Name : isi dengan nama depan anda
Last Name : Isi dengan nama belakang anda
Email Address : Alamat email anda
Enter a Password
Retype Password
word Verification

4. Lalu isi information :
organization name
street address
postal code
Homepage URL

5.kemudian beri tanda centang pada kotak persetujuan

6.Klik Create an Account now

Untuk membuat Domain dan setup domain

1. Setelah anda masuk home, klik getting a new domain... kemudian ketikan domain yang anda inginkan, kemudian cek dulu ketersediaannya.
2. Jika tersedia, dihalaman berikutnya anda akan mendapatkan notifikasi pendaftaran berhasil, lalu setup
3. pilih no. 3 "Url Forwarding"
4. isi form berikut :
Redirect to URL : isi dengan alamat blog anda
Page Title: Tulis judul halaman blog anda

lalu klik setup......


Sabtu, 26 November 2011

Cara Membuat Target Blank

hai temen !!!! hari ini saya akan berbagi ilmu kepada temen-temen semua. yaitu bagaimana cara membuat link yang terbuka di new tab, gini nih codenya temen-temen :

<a href=”” target=”_blank”>judul link</a>
cukup mudahkan...

dan ini contoh link'nya 
Contoh link yg kebuka di new tab seperti ini : Click here
Contoh link yg tidak kebuka di new tab seperti ini : Click here

Good Luck !!!

Selasa, 22 November 2011

contoh program TPW

Hari ini saya akan memberikan sedikit ilmu bagi temen - temen semua, yaitu bagaimana cara membuat program "menghitung luas segitiga" di TPW 1.5 ...
gini nih temen - temen sourch codenya :

program luassegitiga;
uses wincrt;
luas : real;
a,t : integer;
write(‘Masukkan Alas : ’);readln(a);
write(‘Masukkan Tinggi : ’);readln(t);
luas := 0.5 * a * t;
writeln(‘Luas Segitiga adalah :’,luas:2:1);readln;

Mudah kan.. Selamat Mencoba !!!

Jumat, 18 November 2011

History of Computers

The idea of ​​computer and history as calculators and computers began to appear the first time in 1822, when the English mathematician Charles Babbage invented the calculating machine called a difference engine. The machine was used to calculate mathematical tables.
Then in 1833, Charles Babbage's difference engine developed again with the concept of a more profound and general. The new machine is called the analytical engine. This machine can perform any calculations, so the engine for the first time this is what is known as a general purpose digital computer.
Charles Babbage's contribution is very large for the computer world today because of the working principle of the two machines is a basic computer work now, including input devices, computer memory, stoed programs and others. Because of this enormous contribution, Charles Babbage considered the father of modern computers.
Then in 1937, Prof.. Howard Aikem, a mathematician from Harvard University and began designing the manufacture of a computer capable of performing arithmetic and logical operations automatically. The first mechanical computer electronics. Then with the help of IBM company, in 1944, the computer is completed electronically. The new computer named "Harvard Mark I Automatic Sequence-Controlled Calculator (ASCC). The computer is this which is a realization of what was envisioned by Charles Babbage. Harvard Mark I computer, when compared with the computer now certainly has a very striking difference, especially in terms of speed.